Friends School Plant Sale

2022 Friends School Plant Sale

April 30th - May 10th, 2022

NEW FOR 2022 - We will be back at the Grandstand, but many jobs have moved outside under tents to keep fresh air flowing. Please plan and dress for the weather.

COVID Procedure for 2022 - By signing up to volunteer, you are agreeing to our vaccination requirement. All volunteers must show proof of their fully vaccinated status or provide a certified negative covid test.

Volunteers will be required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth at all times unless inside their personal vehicle. This is regardless of being indoors or outdoors.

Masks are defined as: N-95-type masks (without vent) preferred. Surgical masks. If sewn, consisting of at least two layers of material (no single-layer bandanas, scarves, or neck gaiters). Face shields can be used in addition to a mask, but not alone.

At the sale, maintain social distancing between volunteers and customers.

There are no shifts available at this time.